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UDC 336.1

ANIPKO Liudmyla,
Candidate of Economic Sciences (Ph.D.), Senior Lecturer at the Department of International Economic 
Relations and Finance of Kharkiv Institute of Trade and Economics,
Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
O. Yarosh lane, 8, Kharkіv, 61045, Ukraine

E-mail:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
ORCID: 0000-0002-9450-8117


Background. The worked out financial and organization mechanism of motivation increase qualifying level allow will return financial resources prepaid assets which had advanced to the scientific and teaching staff that on positions of associate professor or professor in a two-year term did not get a corresponding high education rank. It will allow to promote efficiency of the use of financial resource high education Institutions III-1V level of accreditation that to overcome the row of negative factors.
The aim of the article is to work out the financial and organization mechanism of motivation increase qualifying level of scientific and teaching staff, that allowed on positionsassociate professors or professors to form the concrete terms of contract from the side of guidance of high education Institutions, and on their default - to recover the charges related to advancing of scientific and teaching staff, that is accepted on corresponding positions, but in the set two year term did not get the scientist of rank.
Materials and methods. Theoretical and methodical soil of the article is present by the results of review and analysis of publication of scientists concerning attestation process; financial and organization mechanism, as an instrument of providing and increase of qualifying level of scientific and teaching staff of high education Institutions. Study is undertaken a with application of methods of theoretical generalization, analysis and synthesis, practical experience of attestation process.
Results. The mechanism will allow: to compensate the financial charger; at the calculation of charges to take into account to time, productive charges related to prepaid assets resources; taking into account concrete requirements for scientific and teaching staff attestation in relation to the receipt of rank is conducted after norms in a time of closing of deal ex officio, that envisages the presence of this scientist of rank.
Conclusion. Financial and organization mechanism is dicing. It use for verifications of results of efficiency and validity of financial charges of high education Institutions by the Account chamber, in activity department of education ofUkraine at development of low acts in relation to the increase of efficiency of the use of the government financial spending, increase of level of qualification of high education Institutions and utilization of bread-winners. This mechanism is useful in scientific establishments for scientist of rank of senior researcher and professor.

Keywords: financial and organization mechanism, level of qualifying, associate professor, attestation process, scientific rank, compensation of charges, contract, scientific and teaching staff.


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